About Us

Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you will like very much. We're dedicated to providing you the best of construction, with a focus on dependability and construction and trade.

PT. BIMA SAKTI LUHUR is a contractor which focusing on civil construction, housing, hotel and resort, factory and other commercial building. As newcomer in this business, BIMA SAKTI has a vision become nationalwide contractor and always considering quality, human resources development and also HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) by applying an integrated standard of ISO 9001:2000 and OSHAS 19001.

PT. BIMA SAKTI LUHUR,was established at August1st 2005 with Notary Public No. 01Rixdmanto Bambang Wibowo, S.H in Surabaya has changed registered by Christiana Eka Setyawardhani, SH on September 27Th 2010 which focusing on civil, construction, design, mechanical and electrical work.

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We present to serve you with the best and unlimited dedication and professional who uphold high levels of comfort, safety job security and advantages specific technologies that are presented to you as our best costumer


We will make the satisfaction of our customers our primary goal by working with them to
We will ensure the growth of the business by delivering value for money services to our client. We will operate accordance with the best pratice and are committed to comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirments.
We will consistenly aim to provide a better service then our compertitors in whatever markets we choose to compete

Our Customer